Our Team

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Ashlynn joined the S.N.C. team to support her sister Kayla. She was able to gain the necessary skills to be promoted to a Lead position. Which also supports her skills needed at Applebee's where she works as a busser now.

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Richard first started working as a therapist with our sister company Behavioral Autism Therapy. He wanted to pursue more opportunities for growth. Therefore he decided to joined the S.N.C. team as a Lead where he was able to gain the work experience to land him a position working as a paraeducator / behavioral aide in the schools.

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Gina first joined the S.N.C. team through the Inland Regional Center. She first started as a barista and worked her way up the corporate latter where she became a Leader. Gina now works at Home Goods as one of their associates.

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Zachary first joined around the SNC team at the end of 2020 and worked his way up from being a cashier to a barista and then becoming a lead. Zachary has been continuing to work hard to help motivate and encourage his associates.